7 Reasons You Need A Home Security Camera System

Oct 17, 2019

How many burglaries do you think there are in Australia each year? If you guessed over 225,000 you’d be right. In fact, in 2017 there were 225,900 recorded burglaries in Australia, or one every 3 minutes!

Over 20% of Australian homes have been burgled at some point and on average it takes burglars less than 5 minutes to enter a property.

Now whilst these figures are quite confronting, there are ways you can ensure that you and your home don’t become apart of these statistics. We work hard for all that we have and want nothing but security for our loved ones so why not invest equipment which helps you to protect them.

Here are the Top 7 reasons that security cameras for your house should be your next investment.

1. Prevent home invasions

Undeniably, one of the biggest fears every homeowner has is the fear of home invasion. Having a security camera system allows you as a homeowner to identify persons who might be at the door of their property. A well-placed camera above the door will give a good view of whoever is standing and the door and what their intentions are. Having a security camera positioned here also means you will also have access to footage of any trespassers who enter your property whilst you’re not there.

2. Stops vandals and criminals

Unfortunately, we live in a world where crime still happens. However, with a good security camera system in place, crime on your property can be prevented. Prior to trespassing on a property, would be thieves often survey a property scanning for security cameras and any obvious signs that someone is home. The obvious placement of a camera can be enough to deter vandals from acting as they know the camera would capture their identity.

3. Monitor your property

“Is everything secure at home?” This is a common concern of many a homeowner when you are not at home. You might be away for the night, out with friends trying to have a good time, or perhaps you’re on a well-deserved holiday wanting to relax and switch off but all you can think about is if your home is safe or not, security cameras are useful for this exact situation. With mobile accessible security cameras, properties can now be monitored remotely meaning you can rest easy knowing you can check on your property at any time.

4. You can view from anywhere

The role that smart phones play in our society does offer some really great advantages, like quickly and easily being able to access your security camera footage via an app on your mobile device. So long as you have access to an internet connection you can view your property with the click of a button.

5. Reduction in homeowners’ insurance

Yes you read that right, a reduction in homeowners insurance is often available to people whose properties have security cameras installed. It is worth while speaking to your insurance company to see what sort of cost saving is on offer prior to installing the cameras as the saving in insurance can often offset the cost of the security cameras. Now that’s a good investment.

6. Digital storage

On average, security camera systems have 1TB of data storage. Most security camera systems are able to not only record events in real time, but they are also able to store the footage should access to that footage be required at a later date.

Most importantly…

7. Peace of mind.

Regardless of if you are at home in your property, or you’re away from it, having a great security camera system installed will help you reduce your worry and stress about the property. Being able to scan and view your property from anywhere in the world at the touch of a button offers peace of mind that is priceless.

If installing a home security camera system sounds like something you and your family could really benefit from please contact us on 1300 686 000.

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